Ahhhh Friday is here and the work week is almost over! Hooray for the weekend. Since I’m in such a good mood, I thought I’d share some adorable dog videos this week. Who doesn’t love dogs?? Cue the awwws…
1. Dog Retrieves Raw Egg from Fridge
I wonder how many of us can train our dogs to do this??
2. Dog Just Don’t Want to Bath
I cracked up watching this. My poor Rocco hates baths or going anywhere near water.
3. Hilarious Dog in Shoes Tries to Run
This poor baby, he must hate those shoes!
4. Dog Pushes Cat into Bathtub
Just wait for it…about 1:12
5. Lena the Rottweiler Loves to take Showers
And there’s a dog who likes the water unlike mine.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
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